
  • Senator Ron Wyden

  • Senator Jeff Merkley

  • Congresswoman Andrea Salinas

  • State Senator Deb Patterson

  • State Representative Paul Evans

  • State Representative Tom Andersen

  • Mayor Chris Hoy

  • Councilor Trevor Phillips

  • Councilor Linda Nishioka

  • Councilor Micki Varney

  • Young Democrats of Oregon

  • Oregon League of Conservation Voters

  • Western States Carpenters

  • 350 Salem OR

  • Oregon Families for Vaccines

  • Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, AFT Local 5017

  • Oregon Working Families Party

  • Oregon AFSCME


  • The Mother PAC

  • Oregon Nurses Association

  • Ironworkers Local 29

  • SEIU Local 503

  • Pineros Y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste

  • United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555

  • Independent Party of Oregon

  • Women’s Investment Network Political Action Committee

  • Planned Parenthood PAC of Oregon

  • Young Democrats of Oregon Caucus

  • Oregon Alliance for Gun Safety

  • Oregon State Council for Retired Citizens

  • Basic Rights Oregon

  • Sierra Club

  • American Federation of Teachers – Oregon